Thursday, May 5, 2022

More Random Thoughts (And A Word To Fellow CT Republicans)

First off, did anyone else happen to catch an opinion posted in the Fairfield Patch this morning? RTM member Elizabeth Zezima says that, regarding the recently passed town budget, Fairfield Democrats “fought for our children” and delivered “sound fiscal policy(1).  

I guess she’s right, if you define “sound fiscal policy” as a mammoth increase in spending, as well as raising taxes again.  Republicans proposed amendments that would’ve saved taxpayers money; the Democratic majority wasn’t interested in them (2).

Anywho, I digress from my main point.

If you haven't noticed, the state political landscape is beginning to look very interesting.  This is a major election year, and with conditions being quite less than desirable statewide, my fellow Republicans have what could be our best chance in years to “take back Connecticut”. 

Nevertheless, I find it necessary to caution my colleagues and friends from possibly losing focus.

You see, in this year's elections, the left's only chance is to once again run the "distract, deflect, and deny" playbook. They are attempting to make the season about Johnny Depp v Amber Heard, Disney, and Roe v Wade.

Unfortunately, it seems to me that they are doing at least a decent job of this.

For about a week, nobody's been mentioning the high cost of gas, the new "Ministry of Truth" in Washington, or Ned Lamont's shifty accounting practices. All people have been talking about is "did you see what Amber Heard's lawyer said?"

This is an example of the "divide and conquer" strategy. Through distracting us, the Democrats sow division. And through division, the left maintains its power and control, which are the only two things that they really care about.

History tells us that this game plan has been quite effective for them. We can't let that strategy succeed again this year. The stakes that are involved are way too high for that.

In every contest, there are tactics that will win the game (so to speak) and tactics that will lose it. It is now incumbent on fellow Republicans to execute a strategy that will lead to victory. That is, we stay on topic, stay on message, and explain our message to anyone that has ears to listen.

This is how we win, and how they lose.

And it is only through a November victory that the status quo in this state will change, and the "Connecticut Comeback" begin.


1. Branch, Alfred. “Opinion: Fairfield RTM Democratic Caucus Fought For Our Children.” Fairfield, CT Patch, 4 May 2022, Accessed 5 May 2022.  

2. Branch, Alfred. “Letter To The Editor: Fairfield Democrat Budget Gimmicks.” Fairfield, CT Patch, 4 May 2022, 5 May 2022. 

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