Monday, November 25, 2019

Thoughts On Liberalism

In my general opinion, I'm a pretty decent guy.  It has been said that I have a strong moral compass; indeed, I don't cheat, steal, or habitually lie.  I have my likes and dislikes, but I basically live my own life, and let others live theirs.  Nevertheless, there are some people who (because of my conservative beliefs) see me as their mortal enemy.  Even now, I can hear the chants from "haters"; "racist, sexist, anti-gay...(insert expletive here) Nazis (or "Trumpers") go away". 

There is a common word for these people, and that is "liberals".  They hate conservatism, and the American way of life, so much that they are willing to commit violent acts on people like me.  And trying to reason with them, or explain your position, is "like talking to a wall". 

Now, I'm not a huge fan of commentator Michael Savage (in particular, I find his views on autism to be..."bothersome", shall we say).  However, he frequently says something on his radio show that (in the past four years) I have come to regard as true.  Dr. Savage explains that "how liberals can have such hatred in their heart(s) they will take the side of the enemy....can only be answered with one statement; 'liberalism is a mental disorder"(1).  Might the good doctor, who holds a PhD, be correct?

Science tells us that a fully functional human brain behaves in certain ways; this behavior includes logic, and "rational thinking".  As I have briefly explained, liberals seem to either not have the capacity to think rationally, or not be willing to use that capacity.  That is in contrast to a brain which is, to coin a phrase, "running on all cylinders". 

Putting this in the most civil/non-controversial way I can, I believe that a liberal's brain has some kind of condition that prevents that.  Enter Merriam-Webster's Online Dictionary for one of the definitions of "disorder" (a noun):

  • "An abnormal physical or mental condition"

Thus, the phrase "mental disorder" is an appropriate fit in this case. 

Now, a disclaimer.  I should mention that I am by no means a professional psychologist, nor do I have any kind of degree in such studies.  My opinion is merely that of a reasonably well-informed person, albeit one who has dabbled in beginning psychology.  I will leave official diagnosis to the actual experts.