Sunday, February 26, 2023

Fed Up (Or, "Another Broken Record")

Do I really have to say this? It's another turn for an already "broken record".  I am damn sick and tired of every right I have being violated.   

I have recently been told that:

  • I cannot peacefully speak my mind in public, or express any kind of critical opinion.  

  • I cannot make my own decisions.  Instead, the powers-that-be in Hartford will tell me what I am allowed to think.  

  • I'm not even allowed to seek redress of my grievances before meetings of government bodies, because "the topic isn't on the agenda".  (Um, is this a public meeting, or simply an echo chamber?)

And what recourse do I have? Virtually none at all.  When I try to talk to people in charge, the aforementioned "powers-that-be" ignore me, or give me some half-assed excuse why they think they're in the right:

Oh well, you can’t be disrespectful.  That creates a hostile environment.  You have to be positive, no matter what” (see note) (1)

Excuse me?

"Every citizen may freely speak, write and publish his sentiments on all subjects, being responsible for the abuse of that liberty" - Article I Section 4, Constitution of the State of Connecticut (2)

What do you not understand about that concept? It's not a fluff statement; it's the very bedrock of American society. It's FREE SPEECH, and it applies to EVERYONE.

I'm fed up with this....ridiculousness. I've had it up to here. Stop trying to dictate to me what I should and should not say. And stop telling me how to live my own life.

After all, I don't tell you how to live yours.

"(You) can't even run (your) own life, I'll be damned if (you'll) run mine"

-- "Sunshine", Jonathan Edwards (3)

Note: I have included the e-mail that this language came from in the sources below. However, for privacy reasons, I have opted not to link to the e-mail itself.

Monday, February 6, 2023

State of the State of Connecticut

It's just about that time again; time for those that are in power to tell us how great things have been going in Connecticut.  They call this the "State of the State" address.  

This year, perhaps no formal speech is needed, as I can already tell you what the situation is.  

In a word, the state of the State of Connecticut is...horrendous.  

Allow me to elaborate.  

First, let's talk about the economy.  Businesses continue to leave this state at an alarming rate, and that's an understatement.  Our sky-high taxes have driven many companies away, the latest of them being Pepperidge Farm ("remember when it was a joy to live here? Pepperidge Farm remembers") (1)

Add to this the fact that Connecticut is one of the unfriendliest states for businesses, and you begin to understand why U-Haul trucks are usually traveling outbound, not in.  

Nevertheless, there is some good news on the economic front.  It seems that Governor Lamont has seen fit to propose a round of tax cuts...that is, now that he's been assured of four more years in office.  

Those that listened to Lamont during the last gubernatorial campaign would've thought him to be channeling (Hall of Fame men's basketball coach) Jim Calhoun; "not a dime back"! (2)

This proposed cut comes about six years too late for companies such as GE, Aetna, and Sikorsky Aircraft.  Nevertheless, aren't we so lucky that our "king" has changed his tune? 

"Take this tax cut and shut up, peasants!" - The Gov'na 

Now, a word or two in advice to those who might be traveling to "the Constitution State".  

Despite the state's nickname, you should know that constitutional rights don't exist here.  At least, they are not respected and protected the way that they are in other states.  

You think you have the right to free speech? "Not so fast, my friend".  In Connecticut, you can be arrested merely for making a ethnic joke, even one that is not targeted at any specific person (racial ridicule law). (3, 4)  

What about COVID; aren't we done with that? Not in Connecticut.  In fact, the entire reason that we have a "surplus" is because of money that the state gets from the federal government.  

This funding is contingent on the continuation of the declared "emergency" regarding the illness, which is still in place.  It's the only reason why state government has any money whatsoever; if not for federal funds, we'd be broke.  

And being that this "gravy train" rolls on (how much debt are we in nationally again?), don't expect this issue to go away anytime soon.  

By the way, be aware of your surroundings when you're in Connecticut, and be sure to lock your doors and windows when you go out.  Otherwise, you might find yourself getting jumped, or missing various belongings.  

The governor's response to this is that violent crime is "exaggerated", and actually going down.  Sure; when's the last time you heard a news report that DIDN'T mention two shootings and a stabbing in a downtown area (for example)? (5)

The simple fact is that life in Connecticut has become almost unbearable.  What once was a great place has become a shell of its former self, devoid of any sense of freedom.     

To this, I must now repeat the words that future president Ronald Reagan said back in 1964: "if we lose freedom here, there's no place to escape to" (6).  

Reagan was right; the spread of "woke-ism" has resulted in few places to which "Nutmeggers" can flee.  

Living in Connecticut is like living in a nightmare.  

And it just keeps getting worse.