Saturday, October 29, 2022

Disturbing Thoughts

First off, I condemn yesterday's attack on Paul Pelosi (the husband of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi) in the strongest and most unambiguous terms.  Any way you slice it, this act of violence was especially heinous (1).  

Second, it amazes me how quickly some in the "Twittersphere" have reacted to this story.  In particular, the liberal blockheads over there didn't waste much time before jumping to a conclusion; specifically, that Republicans are responsible for this attack.  

Now, here's the section of the article where I express an idea that's somewhat controversial; hold on to your hats.  

If you are a movie buff, then perhaps you've heard of the 1962 film "The Manchurian Candidate".  The original version of this movie centers on an American veteran; he has been brainwashed and "programmed" by Communists.  Subsequently, our man is an unintentional participant in a plot to assassinate a major nominee for president (2).  

Disturbing though it is, I can't shake the thought that perhaps we're having a "life imitates art" moment.  

And we've been here before, haven't we? Time and time again, the left has seen fit to trot out the "by any means necessary" argument.  That is, they have used any and all means to hold on to their power.  This includes the harassment of ordinary, law-abiding citizens, the incitement and encouragement of violence, and making "true threats" to political opponents (see definition) (see also note 1).     

Don't get me wrong; I'm not saying that this act was committed by a Democrat, or left-leaning liberal.  For all I know, it could be a church-going, everyday conservative that did this.  I'm simply saying that I would not be surprised to learn that the assailant is, indeed, a liberal.     

And as the government has proven before, they have ways of making you do what they want.  Does this mean that they are engaged in brainwashing, or that they are even capable of doing so? No, not at all.  Just because you might suspect something is happening doesn't mean it's actually taking place.   

Nevertheless, this admittedly somewhat eccentric mind finds the idea of brainwashing not so far-fetched (see: "Project MKUltra") (3).  

Then again, maybe I've watched one too many "Uncle Howdy" videos (see note 2). 

Friday, October 14, 2022

News Checklist

Just a quick checklist of things that have been in the news this week.  

  • The State of Pennsylvania says that it will ignore an order of the US Supreme Court to not count undated ballots (1).  

It must be getting close to election time, because the shenanigans and legal maneuvering have already started; in fact, they've been in full swing for a while.  

I shouldn't be too surprised by this latest chicanery (see definitions) by state officials; nevertheless, I am.  It's one thing to ignore an order of your state courts (as Pennsylvania did in 2020); it's quite another to state that you will disregard an order from the nation's highest court, although such a declaration has been made before (see note).    

This expressly violates the Constitution, which states that federal laws made in accordance with it are "the supreme law of the land...any thing in the laws of any state to the contrary notwithstanding" (2).  

No sweat off the brows off those concerned with elections in "the Keystone State", huh? 

  • "Free speech? That's gonna cost ya"

Breaking news from my home state of Connecticut; media personality Alex Jones has been ordered to pay nine hundred sixty five million dollars to families of Sandy Hook victims (on the basis of Jones' claims that the shooting was a hoax).  You read that right; almost a billion dollars (3).  

This despite there apparently being no conclusive proof (at least none presented) that because of Jones' statements, serious threats were made to the safety of the families.  This despite the personality's repeated apologies, and shows of remorse.  

This despite Jones' testimony that he is bankrupt, and cannot pay the fine.  

And all of this despite the Eighth Amendment to the Constitution, which prohibits the imposition of "excessive fines" (4).  

Besides money, what the hell do these families want from Mr. Jones? The answer to this question is quite apparent; they want to shut him up, and shut him down.  Effectively, they appear to have done so.  

  • Back to work for the "January 6th Committee" (5)

Yesterday, the Committee returned from a four-month break, apparently to discuss some so-called "damning evidence".  Never mind that most of the members of such committee are now "lame ducks" (see definitions); never mind that once again, no defense witnesses were allowed.  

And why are they doing this; more specifically, why are they doing this now? I'll tell you why; it's because they realize that the public is starting to turn against them.  They are terrified of losing their power; as such, they are trying everything humanly possible to hold on to it.   

The Democrats and their RINO enablers are running scared, and they know it.

  • Time to get the Nikes out (and I don't mean the shoes)   

Some of you may know that during the post-World War II years, US military forces were in possession of a defensive weapon called the "Nike".  This was a ground-based missile system designed to intercept nuclear missiles; many Connecticut towns were protected by batteries of such (6).  

Fast-forward about thirty-four years from the end of the Cold War.  As they were never needed, all but a few of the old Nike bases have been dismantled; the ones that remain stand as historical relics. 

Yet today we are faced with a situation which, in earlier times, might have required the maintenance of such stations.  This is due to a bumbling president, a Russian counterpart who believes that the Cold War never ended, and that person's perception that Americans are weak.  It is clear that we are on the doorstep to Armageddon.  

For my part, I think that the Russians need to be diplomatically reminded of the concept behind Mutually Assured Destruction ("MAD"); that is, in a nuclear conflict, nobody wins (because both warring nations will destroy each other).  

Anywho, can anyone give me directions to the nearest fallout shelter?

Sunday, October 2, 2022

Resolutions on Free Expression

Addressing the topic of free expression in local schools.  I won't rehash what I've already said on the subject; rather, I'll say this.  

Fairfield Warde High School and Fairfield Ludlowe High School should be places where diversity is welcomed. This should extend to diversity of thought and opinion, not just diversity of race and ethnic background.

To that end, I propose that the following Resolutions on Free Expression be taken up, and agreed upon by, officials at each school.

1. Everyone has the right to speak their mind, and express their opinion in a manner that does not encourage violence nor significantly disrupt school operations.

2. Everyone has the right to hold their own beliefs, according to their own conscience.

3. Everyone has the right to disagree with the opinions of teachers and staff, even on official policies.

4. Everyone has the right to engage in non-violent protest, as long as such protests do not significantly disrupt school operations.

5. Everyone has the right to hold whatever religious beliefs they choose to, or even not to have a religious belief at all.

6. Everyone has the right to know and clearly understand the rules of the school, as well as to seek explanation of the nature of such rules.

7. Everyone has the right to be treated fairly in cases of disputes, or accusations of wrongdoing.  This includes the right to hear/see the evidence against them, the right to defend themselves against accusations, the right to ask questions of and confront witnesses, and other due process considerations.

8. Everyone has the right to speak, write, listen, and learn to the best of their ability.

9. The faculty and staff of Fairfield Warde and Fairfield Ludlowe support the statements made hereof.

Let's strive to make public schools in Fairfield places where free thought and honest inquiries are protected, not punished.