Sunday, October 2, 2022

Resolutions on Free Expression

Addressing the topic of free expression in local schools.  I won't rehash what I've already said on the subject; rather, I'll say this.  

Fairfield Warde High School and Fairfield Ludlowe High School should be places where diversity is welcomed. This should extend to diversity of thought and opinion, not just diversity of race and ethnic background.

To that end, I propose that the following Resolutions on Free Expression be taken up, and agreed upon by, officials at each school.

1. Everyone has the right to speak their mind, and express their opinion in a manner that does not encourage violence nor significantly disrupt school operations.

2. Everyone has the right to hold their own beliefs, according to their own conscience.

3. Everyone has the right to disagree with the opinions of teachers and staff, even on official policies.

4. Everyone has the right to engage in non-violent protest, as long as such protests do not significantly disrupt school operations.

5. Everyone has the right to hold whatever religious beliefs they choose to, or even not to have a religious belief at all.

6. Everyone has the right to know and clearly understand the rules of the school, as well as to seek explanation of the nature of such rules.

7. Everyone has the right to be treated fairly in cases of disputes, or accusations of wrongdoing.  This includes the right to hear/see the evidence against them, the right to defend themselves against accusations, the right to ask questions of and confront witnesses, and other due process considerations.

8. Everyone has the right to speak, write, listen, and learn to the best of their ability.

9. The faculty and staff of Fairfield Warde and Fairfield Ludlowe support the statements made hereof.

Let's strive to make public schools in Fairfield places where free thought and honest inquiries are protected, not punished.


  1. No. Why? Because your ideas allow stupid people to share stupid ideas.

    1. OK, I get that you think certain ideas are stupid. That notwithstanding, what's wrong with allowing people to express their own thoughts and opinions, even if they happen to be stupid ones?

    2. Because we aren't giving you a pulpit to spout your fascist bullshit lies.

      How is your buddy Ray Neuberger doing? The one you defended when he abused his dogs. Now he's killing cats.

    3. I admit I was wrong about Ray. Fool me once, shame on you...fool me twice, shame on me.

    4. As far as the ideas are concerned...I guess it's "free speech for me, but not for thee".'re one of those people who will never change their minds, no matter what.

      To which I quote Star Trek's 217th Ferengi Rule of Acquisition..."you can't free a fish from water" (think "you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink").

      (Yep, I'm a "Trekkie". Ridicule incoming in 3...2...1...LOL)
