Student Newspaper Fires Conservative Whistleblower
Writer had complained about censorship of op-ed
MADISON, Wisconsin - After submitting a written piece arguing against the defunding of police departments, University of Wisconsin student Tripp Grebe has been told that he "can no longer write" for the university's Badger-Herald newspaper (1).
In August, Grebe's op-ed article was rejected by the Herald's editorial staff. According to the New Guard (a publication of the Young America's Foundation), editor Samiha Bhushan claimed that approval of the article would have "caused a lot of backlash". Bhushan also remarked that "upper management" at the paper was "worried about alienating incoming freshman students".
Adding to their remarks, editors at the Herald told Grebe that if he was "open to re-editing [sic]" his submission, the article might be included "in (an) upcoming publication" of the paper. Told that the Young America's Foundation was seeking comment on the matter, Herald editor-in-chief Harrison Freuck later fired Grebe, reasoning that he did so "because of (his) behavior after our refusal to publish (the article)".
Grebe later remarked that he wants to "work for a paper that will permit me to express my viewpoint...without being required to change my opinion to satisfy others. I look forward to finding that opportunity in the future".