ATTN: Chairman J.R. Romano, Vice Chairwoman Sue Hatfield
Mr. Matt Boland
November 28, 2020
Fellow Republicans,
It isn’t too often that I find myself writing a letter to the party at large; I must now take up this assignment.
As you no doubt are aware, President Donald Trump has alleged that election fraud has occurred in several states. Nevertheless, it seems that several prominent individuals in the state party have concluded that Joe Biden has won the election. The Hartford Courant recently reported on this, saying that “the general consensus” (according to House Leader Vincent Candelora) is that incumbent Trump has been defeated.
From the Courant:
“I don’t see any credible evidence of widespread fraud that would change the outcome”, Candelora said in an interview. “I would hope as these lawsuits are resolved, and the outcome becomes (clearer), that President Trump will concede”1
I am appalled, and incredulous, at this reaction and statement. The fact of the matter is that there indeed is evidence to suggest a massive undertaking of fraud. Yet nobody appears to be willing to call out the left, or to step up and fight for our democracy and freedoms. If we cannot be assured of “free and fair” elections, then do we have any freedoms at all? Obviously, I think not.
Unfortunately, our apparent disposition to the attitude of “going along to get along” is nothing new. All too often, we seem to be willing to “roll over and play dead”. And what has that gotten us? I’ll tell you; it’s gotten us a one-party legislature, and a governor who thinks that he can do whatever he wants, whenever he wants to do it.
Some of my fellow Republicans may remember that years ago, there used to be a TV ad that said, “lead, follow, or get out of the way”. We’ve talked the talk for many years; now, it’s time to walk the walk, and actually step up. Whether you believe that the election is over or not, this needs to happen.
There are no prizes for second place, at least not in the political arena. If those entrusted with power in this party don’t have the heart to fight for what we believe in, I suggest that (perhaps) they should find other things to spend their time on. 2
“Lead, follow, or get out of the way” -- Former Chrysler Corporation CEO Lee Iacocca