I can't really think of a good title for this entry. Anywho, here are a couple of thoughts on matters of the day.
(Ugh; the formatting of this blog service really stinks. Apologies if it doesn't look "pretty")
In the past few days, I've seen some people I know ramp up the pro-Democrat rhetoric in regards to this election. Obviously, they are terrified of a GOP win in November, as well they should be.
It might be more accurate, then, to say that they are not so much for Kamala Harris than they are against Donald Trump.
Democrats trot out the same tired lines; "Trump's a racist, he's a womanizer, he's crazy", etc. They have nothing new or productive to offer, just the same old thing, over and over and over.
In any event, for those of you thinking of voting blue this year, let me ask you a few things.
Do you know how many times Harris, in her capacity as vice president, has been to the southern border? The correct answer is zero times.
Also, how many times in the past month has the vice president been to North Carolina, or the hurricane-ravaged Gulf Coast of Florida? Not even once; I guess her schedule's too full to bother with that.
In addition, how many times has Harris even mentioned those disaster areas in speeches? Again, the answer is zero; not even one time.
That's probably because she hasn't held one press conference period; at least not one in about eighty-seven days (1).
In fact, the very federal agency that is designed to deal with disasters (FEMA, or the Federal Emergency Management Agency) has basically told Carolinans and Floridians to "drop dead" (see note) (2, 3, 4).
Do you think they care about them? Do you think they care about anyone, other than themselves? Do you think they care about you?
Don't make me laugh.
If Democrats really cared about you, then maybe they'd do something about Connecticut's sky high electric rates, like convene the special session that citizens have been clamoring for. They've gone completely radio silent on this issue.
Perhaps they'd address the rising tide of crime in not just our cities, but the suburbs as well. That's not happening, because it's all exaggerated; "crime is down". Am I right, Governor Ned Lamont?
And if Democrats in power really gave a damn, maybe they'd choose a nominee for vice president who has a few credentials to his name.
Instead, they've nominated an unabashed Communist, pathological liar, and military deserter in Tim Walz. Disagree with that if you will; I invite you to do the associated research for yourself. (5)
The fact is that the elite big shots at the head of the Democrats don't care one bit about you. All that matters to them is power, and the sound of their own laughter (cackle cackle Kamala Harris).
Maybe it's me, but I can't understand how anyone would want to support them; and, after all this nation has been through in the past four years, say "thank you sir, may I have another?".