Monday, June 3, 2019

A Graduation Speech

I can't claim to be a frequent speechwriter, or by any means a literary expert.  However, I'd like to think I've learned a little about life in my thirty-seven years on this planet.  As such, allow me to share the speech that I would give to the Class of 2019, if I was tasked with giving such a speech.  

(Speech Follows)

First off, I need to congratulate all of you on your success thus far.  Although it may not seem like it, you have spent four long years within the halls of your school.  In that time, you have faced many different types of challenges, but risen to meet all of them.  Now, a new challenge awaits you; that of creating the future.  

It's traditional at graduation ceremonies to give advice; I'm going to continue that tradition.  To that end, let me talk to you about life, dreams, and challenges.  

An old television commercial once said that "on the road of life, there are passengers and there are drivers".  In this case, you must be a driver, and take command of your own fate.  You see, nobody can drive down the road for you; nobody can sail the ship which you are in charge of.  It's up to you to live your own life, and to forge your own identity.  

I have to tell you that my life hasn't been an easy one, or simple.  I've had to fight my way through many tough times.  That's part of life; it's a bit like a prize fight, in that every day, a new round begins.  In my experience, I have found that "it's not about the dog in the fight; it's about the fight in the dog".  Life's not always about who can jump higher, or run faster.  More often, it's about who has more passion, and who has the most heart.  If you live your life with boldness and passion, you will find it to be a life well-lived, as will others.  I will suggest that you remember this as one of life's little lessons.  

Here's another important lesson that I have learned.  A great man once said that you must not "have any belief whatsoever in how others judge you; for your greatness will silence them all".  This is something that I very much believe in, down to my very core, I believe in myself.  However, it doesn't matter that I believe in my own abilities; what means more is that you believe in yours.  If someone tells you that you aren't good enough, ignore them! If they say something can't be done, prove them wrong!  Don't be afraid to dream big, or to pursue your dreams with reckless abandon.  For it is the dreamers and the thinkers that ultimately change the world.  

On the subject of life lessons, I have one more piece of advice for you.  One of my English teachers used to take inspiration from rock music.  In class, he would often recite lyrics from well-known songs, and then open discussion on the song's meaning.  On one occasion, I recall that I complained to this teacher about a poor grade that I had received.  The teacher, one Mr. Daley, said something that has stuck with me to this day; "in the immortal words of Mick Jagger, you can't always get what you want".  I believe this to be one of life's indisputable truths.  Sometimes, things won't go your way; sometimes, you will fail.  Nevertheless, don't give in, or ever give up! Instead, learn from your mistakes, and turn your failures into fuel for your successes.  Even when things seem to be at their worst, your greatest victory may be just around the corner.  

In my final words to you, the Class of 2019, I will say this.  Many people like to talk about the future as if it's some far-off moment.  What they don't understand is that the future is now.  Whether you realize it or not, you are and will be the architects of that future.  The choices that you make today will shape tomorrow.  There is but one thing that is certain in life; that is change.  The time has come for you, the members of the Class of 2019, to change the world.  

"The future is what you make it; make it a good one!" -- "Back To The Future Part III"   

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