Monday, December 9, 2019

The New Scare (And Edward Murrow)

The inquiry into the possible impeachment of President Donald Trump has me thinking about a similar time in our nation's history.  

Let us, for the moment, flashback to the early 1950s.  America and her allies had just emerged victorious from World War II; the world was at peace.  This notwithstanding, another menace was beginning to appear on the horizon; the spectre of communism in the United States.  (1)

Fears of communist infiltration were brought to a head when in 1950, US Senator Joseph McCarthy (a Republican from Wisconsin) charged that the State Department was "infested with communists" (McCarthy would later allege that there was also rampant communism in the army). (2)  Enter one Edward R. Murrow, the host of a CBS program called "See It Now".  Criticizing the senator, Murrow said,

"It is necessary to investigate before legislating, but the line between investigating and persecuting is a very fine one, and the junior Senator from Wisconsin has stepped over it repeatedly.  His primary achievement has been in confusing the public mind...we must remember that accusation is not proof, and that conviction depends upon evidence and due process of law." (3)

It seems to me that history is repeating itself.  Congressman Adam Schiff has taken it upon himself to investigate our president, which he has every right to do.  The problem, then, is not in the investigation itself, but the denial of due process.  The defense has not been allowed to present any witnesses, nor have they been afforded the opportunity to question Schiff's witnesses.  And we STILL don't have any clue as to the identity of the congressman's "whistleblower".  

Nevertheless, this does not matter to Schiff and his fellow Democrats.  The only thing that matters is that the president is guilty, the presumption of "innocent until proven guilty" be damned.  Congressman Schiff has stepped over the proverbial line; he is not merely investigating, he is persecuting.  

Now, it is obvious to me that Adam Schiff has become today's Joseph McCarthy.  Perhaps there are some personalities willing to challenge the congressman, but I'm not seeing that.  It is unfortunate to note that there seems to be no Edward R. Murrow among today's media.  If this is indeed the case, I am willing to take on that role.  

Mr. Schiff's shenanigans must be called out for what they are; unfounded, destructive, and a grave danger to our republic.  For as long as this sham of a procedure goes, I will be "in the catbird's seat", challenging the Democrats at every turn.  Call me a rabble-rouser if you want, but I cannot stand by and let this perverted power play go unchecked.  Indeed, I say that "it is better to raise hell than to live in it".  


1. Personal knowledge.  

2"Joseph Mccarthy". En.Wikipedia.Org, 2019, Accessed 9 Dec 2019.

3Murrow On Mccarthy, No Fear, 1954. 2019, Accessed 9 Dec 2019.

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