Tuesday, April 14, 2020

"BEN" And Other Projects

Some of you may know that I enjoy using my "Playstation 4" to play video games.  When I first bought the console, I wasn't really into posting videos of my gameplay; now, I do this frequently.  Among my various clips are videos of a little something I like to call the "Global Wrestling Federation"

Using "WWE 2K19" (and soon enough, "WWE 2K20"), I have created a simulated professional wrestling promotion.  My company (so to speak) includes many different personalities, shows, and championships, all of which have been created either by other gamers or myself.  It's a cool little world, and part of what I offer when showcasing my videos (see note below)

This leads me to an explanation of one of my other pastimes.  A while back, I happened upon a group of gamers concerned with fantasy television stations.  As I have always dreamt of having my own media network, I decided to give their game a shot.  Thus was born the "Boland Entertainment Network", or "BEN"

My network started out as simply a gaming-based project.  Nevertheless, "BEN" seems to have taken on a life of its own.  I have a good base of clips available for viewing, and plenty of ideas for other "programming options".  If you're a guy like me, you're always thinking about that kind of stuff.  I guess I'm kind of an "idea guy", but I digress. 

I am very surprised at how the "Boland Entertainment Network" has grown.  Once purely a name for my brand of "fantasy media", it has morphed into an actual source of video game based entertainment.  I guess it's somewhat true that "good things come in small packages"....you never know how you'll find the next big inspiration.  Perhaps one day I'll have something coming to "a television near you"!

Note: I must add that "GWF" is completely a work of fiction, and no copyright infringement is intended.  I'm not looking to challenge Vince McMahon or Cody Rhodes any time soon. 

Sunday, April 5, 2020

Gamer's Review: Call Of Duty Modern Warfare

As I have been needing things to do during this time of "quarantine", I decided to pick up a copy of perhaps the most talked-about console game this year; that being "Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare".  Like many other gamers, I was pumped to start laying down some bullets, and kicking butt. 

What I liked about the game:

  • The graphics and effects make you feel as if you're right on the front lines, especially during the mission involving (London's) Piccadilly Circus.  
  • Interacting with others during gameplay via voice.  
  • Certain other aspects of gameplay, including dedicated stories for each "campaign" mission.  

What I didn't like:

  • Extra costs/downloads for several key features of the game.  
  • At times, it was quite difficult for me to figure out where in the heck I was, or was supposed to be.  The lack of a functional map in main gameplay definitely made things tougher.  
  • The continuous drone of the Russian general during the mission involving insurgents.  After a few repetitions of his speech, I found myself quoting Dr. McCoy (Deforest Kelley) in "Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan"...."I'd give real money if he'd shut up".  
  • The fact that multiplayer was not specifically included in the game, but as an "add-on" that you have to install (more about this in a moment).  
  • Seemingly non-existent tech support.  

Now, a few notes.  

The second "didn't like" came into play during my solo campaign.  While fighting the insurgency mission, I came to a point where I got lost, and had no map or general directions to guide me.  I ended up running around like a stumbling buffoon, trying to figure out where I was supposed to be going.  Throw in the endless yap of the Russian officer, and....well, you see my point.  

"Frustration with location" notwithstanding, the failure to find my way around didn't ultimately prove fatal to this game.  The real "game-breaker", so to speak, was the multiplayer add-on.  Upon attempting to install the feature, I found that my PS4 would get to a certain point in the process, and then stop.  This resulted in an endless loop of the system trying the installation, stopping (always at the very same point), and trying to install again.  

For my part, I attempted all the usual fixes; these included shutting the console down and restarting, as well as clearing unnecessary programs from the system's memory.  Sadly, none of these usual solutions worked, and I was unable to load the game for the purpose of playing without multiplayer.  Eventually, I was forced to concede defeat, as I realized that there was no way to get the game to work again (Activision tech support was of no help to me).   

Looking back at the entire experience, I must say that I am quite disappointed with this game.  Maybe I'm wrong, but it seems to me that Activision rushed this title along, rather than take the time to release a standout product.  

If you like the Battle Royal feature, then perhaps this title would suit your gaming needs.  Nevertheless, my final verdict on "Call of Duty: Modern Warfare" is a mind-boggling and head-shaking