In no particular order.
- A rise in violent crime, spurred on by Democrat-supported "reforms".
Thanks to Democrats' 2020 passage of the "Police Accountability Act", law enforcement in this state is handcuffed, so to speak (1). They can no longer pursue fleeing suspects, nor can they use any reasonable and necessary force to end dangerous situations.
It's almost like the late 1980s; every day, the news features a new shooting, break-in, or theft. Yet Democrats have said that "we've done what we can" regarding violent crime (2).
Taxes are sky high, and seemingly on everything under the sun. Not only do you have sales and income taxes, you also have property tax, corporate tax....and alcohol tax? You can't even get drunk without paying up the wazoo!
Also note that on Kiplinger's ranking of the states that are the least friendly regarding taxes, Connecticut comes in at number two (3). Thank big government Democrats in Hartford for this; they've never seen a tax they didn't like.
- Democrats don't care about the "little guy", only themselves.
Case in point.
On March 10 2020, Governor Lamont declared that, concerning the COVID-19 virus, a Civil Preparedness and Public Health Emergency existed in Connecticut (4).
Schools were closed, businesses and homes put on lockdown, and draconian restrictions put on assemblies, even at houses of worship.
Yet even as they were confronted with widespread public dissent and opposition, Democrats voted in lockstep to extend the "emergency" to the present day; not once, not twice, but SEVEN TIMES (5, 6).
Do you still think that Democrats in Hartford care about you, even just one little bit?
- "Free speech for me, but not for thee".
Democrats in Connecticut have said vile and reprehensible things about their opponents, even comparing them to "Nazis" in some cases. All this while they have launched an unprecedented assault on the free speech rights of anyone who dares dissent.
Call former governor Dan Malloy a "snake"? You're banned from college campuses. And if you question Governor Lamont concerning COVID-19? Your Twitter account gets reported and banned (no doubt on request of the governor's office itself), on charges of "harassment" (7).
- It's embarrassing to admit you're from Connecticut.
Democrats have controlled the governor's mansion for ten years now. In that time, Connecticut has gone from being one of the most prosperous states in the country, to the butt of a bad joke ("which state is worst; California, New York, or Connecticut?")
"Connecticut? Why would anyone want to live in that state?"
Let's talk for a moment about the Democratic so-called "leaders" in this state.
- Governor "King Ned" Lamont: A pathological liar and "benevolent dictator", who obviously fancies himself as being superior to everyone else.
- US Senator Richard Blumenthal: "Da Nang Dick" is one of the biggest grandstanders and drama kings in the Senate. Time after time, his antics (like walking out of a hearing on then-judge Brett Kavanaugh) have been embarrassing to the people of Connecticut (8). And when it's time to vote, Blumenthal totally ignores the opinions of his constituents.
- US Senator Chris Murphy: A complete and utter joke. The senator lives in the District of Columbia, not Connecticut (as defined by state statute; see note) (9). Nevertheless, and for some strange reason, he is allowed to "represent" the Nutmeg State. As if this wasn't enough, Senator Murphy has admitted to committing an act of treason against the United States (an unauthorized meeting with top Iranian officials in 2020) (10).
Are these the type of "leaders" that you want to be making major decisions?
Connecticut needs a change. The best way to effect that change is to vote Republican in 2021, across the board.
"November is coming".
Note: "Each citizen of the United States...who is a bona fide resident of the town to which the citizen applies for admission as an elector an elector. For purposes of this section a person shall be deemed to be a bona fide resident...if such person's dwelling unit is located within the geographic boundaries of such town (to which the citizen applies for admission as an elector)"
- General Statutes of the State of Connecticut, Title 9, Chapter 143, Section 9-12a (11)