Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Somewhat Random Thoughts

Hold on to your hats, because it's time for another somewhat random rant or two.  

Campaign Notes

Yesterday, I happened to run into a Ned Lamont for Governor ad, this one placed on YouTube.  The spot claimed that the incumbent has "turned a multi-million dollar deficit into a surplus".  

Who does the governor think he's kidding? Right now, the state doesn't even have enough money to fix potholes on major streets, let alone fund other essential services.  

And economically speaking, our fiscal situation is downright ugly; did you know that combined, our economy ranks the worst out of all fifty states? Nationally, only Puerto Rico is in worse shape (and Puerto Rico is a territory, not a state).  

I know this is an election year, but I suggest that Governor Lamont should come clean on what's really happening.  People don't like to have to wade through mountains of spin, and have their intelligence insulted.  

On a personal note, as my brother would say, "I was born at night, but not last night"!

Free Speech - "Incident At Buffalo"

"Imagine, if you will"... (1)

...the setting of a college campus in the northeastern United States.  On this night, the school is a bustle of activity, as a noted conservative has come to campus to speak about race relations.  

At stage right, enter a mob of young "Black Lives Matter" activists.  They scream, yell, and generally make it very difficult for our speaker to be heard.  The speech ends somewhat peacefully, and our speaker engages in conversation with a group of campus conservatives (in this case, members of the school's "Young Americans for Freedom" chapter).  
That's when things start to turn ugly.  

The mob, having spotted a leader of the conservative group, begins to resort to violence.  Having found what they believe to be a viable target, they chase this young woman out of the speaking venue, and across campus.  

Fearing for her life, our protagonist takes shelter in a bathroom of one of the many campus buildings, hiding there until order is restored.  

It sounds like a movie script straight out of Hollywood, doesn't it? 

Shockingly, the events depicted actually happened last week at the University of Buffalo.  Therese Purcell, the chairwoman of Buffalo's "Young Americans for Freedom", was violently confronted by opposing protesters (2).  

Have a look:


Check out that throng of people.  It isn't just a few protesters chasing Ms. Purcell, it's seemingly hundreds of them.  

Let's make something crystal clear; I am appalled at the actions of these students.  Through "higher education", they have been brainwashed to believe that violence is (at times) justified.  When did violent confrontation of people with dissenting opinions ever become acceptable, at least in a civilized society?

Now, here's the thing about this that really gets my gears going, so to speak. 
Yesterday, I posted the above video and story on my Facebook page, asking who among my more liberal friends would condemn the violent behavior.  So far, not one person among such friends has done so.  

You read that right; not one person (4).  

Honestly, I don't care which party you happen to support.  I don't care what your stances on some of the controversial issues are.  We all should be able to agree that violence against those who have done no wrong to you, and are simply attempting to engage in an exchange of ideas, has no place anywhere.
To not speak out, and not condemn an act of this nature, is to silently condone and support it.  And that is unquestionably wrong.  


1. Rod Serling, "The Twilight Zone". 
2. Young Americans For Freedom. “Irate Mob Chases And Assaults Conservative Student.” Twitter, 7 Apr. 2022, twitter.com/yaf/status/1512415036903510027. Accessed 12 April 2022.  

3. Uploaded by Twitter user "@YAF".  "Mob Chases Conservative Student.7 Apr. 2022,  twitter.com/yaf/status/1512415036903510027. Accessed 12 April 2022.  

4. Boland, Matt. “Question: Will Any Of My...” Facebook, 11 Apr. 2022, www.facebook.com/matt.boland.944/posts/10226154169136462. Accessed 12 April 2022.  

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