Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Another Wrestling Controversy

Controversial post time....if you're "triggered" by this, run to your "safe space" now, LOL.

If you follow pro wrestling, then you're aware that just a couple of months ago, Roman Reigns gave up the WWE Universal Championship.  At that time, "The Big Dog" stated that he had been a leukemia patient (before coming to WWE), and that his doctors had advised him of the return of that cancer.  Reigns explained that as a result, he was giving up the championship, as he was not fit enough to defend it.

Now, why is this important? It's because last night on WWE's "Monday Night Raw", Reigns announced that his cancer was in remission, and that he had been cleared to return to the ring.  I know I'll probably get some "hate mail" for this, but I strongly suspect that this whole cancer incident was (as they say in the industry) a "work".  For those who aren't aware, the definition of this term is "a scripted event that is designed to appear based in reality".  This is done in order to elicit a positive or negative reaction from the audience, much like other dramatic shows such as "Law and Order".

The nature of professional wrestling is such that some performers have a tougher time getting "over" (that is, noticed and accepted by the fans).  When this occurs, sometimes said performers are written out of the storyline for a while.  By the way, if you still believe that all wrestlers are pure athletes, then much like WWE says to crummy mid-carders, I've "got nothing for you".  From the looks of it, this may have happened in Reigns' case.  Since he wasn't "getting over", the top brass may have chosen to give him a short break, and have him return to action later.

I know what you're thinking; "why would WWE ever do such a thing? And what makes you think that they did".  Let's be clear about the circumstances of Reigns' absence.  At the time of his being taken off of promotional cards, Reigns was being booed unmercifully by the "WWE Universe".  Whether or not Reigns has cancer, one thing's for sure; nobody recovers from cancer in a matter of weeks, even if your name is Superman.

Also, WWE has an unfortunate history of using some rather unsavory tactics to advance their purposes.  One incident that comes to mind is Vince and Shane McMahon mocking God, and the Christian faith of Shawn Michaels (who was a main adversary of theirs at the time).  To borrow a quote from the elder McMahon, "in any event...", the question remains; would the company stoop this low? Would they suggest that a performer had cancer when he didn't, all in the pursuit of the almighty dollar? Unfortunately, I cannot put such an action past WWE's top brass.

It remains to be seen if the Roman Reigns situation is indeed a "work".  Hopefully, the answer to this question will soon be known.  In the interim, I have an attitude of "healthy skepticism" in this case.  On a personal note to Vince McMahon, if this is a storyline kind of thing...well, don't you wonder why your company is losing fans in droves? It's not rocket science. 

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