Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Get It Over With (Or, "The Cowardly Democrats")

We're now two years into the Lamont Administration; the highway tolling issue was raised in the first year or so of Dan Malloy's second term.  Doing the math, that works out to about six years of talk on this issue alone.  Nevertheless, we are today no closer to any decision than we were six years ago.  Indeed, the Democrats controlling the General Assembly have just "pumped the brakes" again (a vote was scheduled for Thursday, then quickly canceled). (1)

Let me get to the heart of this matter.  Why do you think it is that Democrats schedule the votes, only to say "wait a second, we're not voting after all" mere minutes after they call for such votes (I say "votes" because these postponements have happened on multiple occasions)? (1)  To me, the explanation is quite simple; it's because they are cowards, and terrified of losing control.  If this wasn't the case, then maybe our elected representatives would answer their office telephones, and respond to being called out in the press (but no...I'm looking at you, Representative McCarthy-Vahey)

Now, Democrats keep telling us that they are "confident" that they have enough votes to pass the associated bill. (1)  To them, I say this; if you're so certain that you will be successful, then why continue to defer action? Yeah, I said it; you have proven yourself to be COWARDS.  There's nothing brave or heroic about refusing to take a stand "at times of challenge and controversy" (Martin Luther King, Jr.). (2)  If you think in these terms, you are deluding yourself.  

A final point here, addressed to the Democrats in Hartford.  Many of your constituents, such as myself, are getting tired of wondering where we'll live next month.  "We the people" deserve a definitive and final answer to that question.  It's time to end this "era of uncertainty" that Connecticut has been going through for six years.  If you think that you'll be able to pass the toll bill to the governor, then let's get this over with; hold a vote.  At least then, the citizens of this state will finally know where they stand.  

(Author's note: I find it appropriate to add a small epilogue to this post.  I've expressed my desire for a final result.  However, in the back of my mind, I am reminded of the phrase "be careful what you wish for; you just might get it") (3)


1. Pazniokas, Mark et al. "The Tolls Saga Continues As Democrats Postpone Vote". The CT Mirror, 2020, Accessed 19 Feb 2020.

2"For Martin Luther King Jr., Nonviolent Protest Never Meant ‘Wait And See’". HISTORY, 2020, Accessed 19 Feb 2020.

3. Personal knowledge.  

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