Friday, June 5, 2020

Thoughts, Part 1

Just a series of somewhat random thoughts.  Here's what's on my mind (not paying attention to usual grammar rules today....I'm angry)

(Part 1 of 2)

  • I CANNOT STAND seeing businesses like Twitch, ESPN, the NFL, and many others bowing down to the leftist mob.  And seeing otherwise reasonable friends of mine accepting this...well, that makes me practically sick to my stomach.  

Everywhere I go, I see posts about "racism", "oppression", and "dialogue".  Let's be real for a moment. 

"Racism"? Every day, blacks do the same thing as what they're accusing whites of.  How many whites have been killed by blacks in the last month, do you think? Yet you never hear about THAT in the media. 

"Oppression"? In case you haven't noticed, blacks have more rights in America than they have in many other countries.  Try being black, or anyone for that matter, and attempting to establish a private business in Cuba.  News flash, people....IT ISN'T GOING TO HAPPEN.  And that's not because the community says it's not, it's because the government says it's matter who you are. 

And "dialogue"? Please don't make me laugh.  The left isn't interested in dialogue.  All they are interested in is getting their own way, come hell or high water.  Hey Facebook, how many conservatives are you going to censor today? And wasn't it an African-American "hero", Malcolm X by name, who first said "by any means necessary...the ballot, or the bullet"?

The real "inconvenient truth" is that the unrest we see is what the left has always wanted.  Did you know that the "ANTIFA" organization has been organizing riots for years, with their stated goal being to destroy "the system" (look up their history, I dare you....and don't use sources that clearly come from that group)?

They are the ones who started this.  Their so-called "leaders" want you to act like an animal, because that proves their point; that America is crap, and it's falling apart at the seams.  Don't stoop to their level; don't give them the "satisfaction" that they crave!

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