Thursday, June 11, 2020


I just need to take a quick minute to vent here.  

In my capacity as a "citizen journalist", I have recently reached out to a...let's say, "underground"...political movement of the left.  

My purpose for doing so could be compared to the reason why the late Tom Snyder interviewed Charles Manson, or why CNN talked to Timothy McVeigh.  That is, I seek to understand the group and their motives; what do they believe, and what makes them tick? I'm trying to facilitate a bit of an understanding, if that's possible.  

Unfortunately, it seems that this group (who will remain unnamed for now) doesn't seem to want to talk to me.  It appears they are uninterested in having much of a public presence, or "dialogue".  Color me a bit disappointed by this; thus, I'm calling the group out.  If you really believe in nonviolence, and peacefully changing things (as you say you do), then let's chat.  What have you got to lose by doing so? Let's hear your story, straight from "the horse's mouth", so to speak.  Man up, and do something that takes a bit of courage.  

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