Sunday, July 5, 2020

Taking/Making A Stand


For weeks, American cities have been torn apart by violence.  In the name of one George Floyd (and others), angry mobs have set fire to police stations, destroyed property and businesses, and ended lives.  To say I am appalled at this behavior would be the understatement of the decade.  I am absolutely INFURIATED at what is going on, and the apparent unwillingness of certain authorities to stop it.

I am going to say something here that some will regard as controversial, even extreme.  Consider this to be your "trigger warning".




....still with me? Good; you're not a complete snowflake.  Let's get down to the nitty-gritty. 

For years, people like myself have tried to reason with forces on "the other side".  We have attempted to engage them in dialogue, and meaningful conversations that are intended to foster understanding.  These attempts have met with complete and utter failure.  Clearly, "the other side" has caused a great upheaval in American society. 

Knowing this, what does one do when things break down, and there is no order? What should be done when authorities allow mobs to run roughshod over their cities, and refuse to intervene?

The violence and destruction that I have described must end, and end now.  Talk is all well and good, but there is a time for talk, and a time for action.  If cities like Seattle and Minneapolis (among others) will not end it by their own intervention, it is time for everyday citizens to intervene.  That purpose, and that purpose alone, is why militias and the Second Amendment exist.  When it hits the fan, so to speak, it is necessary to make a stand.    

Now, I don't own a gun, or any kind of firearm.  I will never be one of those who carries a weapon around with him, intending to use that weapon in the streets.  Nevertheless, I have decided to make my own stand in my own way. 

As of this moment, I declare that I will not purchase any item from any company that attempts to justify, or "stand with" those focused on destruction.  Nike, ESPN, Pepsi...oh, and the National Football League....I'm looking at you.  If you really want my money, then do something morally right for a change, and condemn these riots.  Failing that, I'll spend my cash elsewhere, and encourage others to do the same.   

There's one last point I wish to make.  There are some people who, as they don't like what I have to say, wish I would shut up.  I've got news for you; when it comes to defending freedom, and advocating for justice for all Americans (not just blacks), I'll never "shut up".  As long as I have a voice, I will use it for the above purpose.  That's what liberty, and independence, is all about. 

"And that's the memo" -- Bill O'Reilly

PS: I strongly encourage my friends and neighbors to stand with me in my boycott.  Don't be silent; get loud!

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