Sunday, May 8, 2022

"Kinda Sus"?

It's been a pretty noteworthy weekend in conservative circles, as the Dinesh D'Souza film "2000 Mules" had its big online premiere on Saturday.  This movie purports to show "damning evidence" concerning allegations that the 2020 presidential election was stolen.  I have no doubt that it will prove to be a groundbreaking production (1, 2)

Nevertheless, I find myself questioning the motives behind the making of this film.  As today's kids often say, there's something about it that I find as being "kinda sus".  That's the fact that the movie cannot now be accessed without the payment of a "subscription fee".  The cost of the associated subscription is about twenty to thirty dollars (2).  

To this effect, it's my unfortunate duty to call out Mr. D'Souza.  

First off, you apparently assume that people have the money to pay for this; that's not always the case.  For many Americans, money is quite tight at the moment.  Thanks to Mr. Biden, there have been higher prices on everything "from soup to nuts" lately.  And don't get me started on the sky-high taxes that certain state governments seem to love (hello Ned Lamont!).  

Consequently, some of us "average Americans" don't have extra cash to spend on things like online movies.  It's difficult enough just to make ends meet.  

Now, if your film was distributed through traditional movie theatres, perhaps I would better understand your motives and reasoning.  Nevertheless, your picture isn't available in this form, at least not any longer.  

It is an unfortunate truth that in this world, some people do things out of a desire to make a profit, or to avenge something that was done to them.  Keeping this (as well as some of your personal history) in mind, I wonder whether your "damning evidence" might not be so "damning" after all.  

The hard facts of the matter aside, could it be that you have released your movie simply for the purpose of "cashing in" on controversy? And if the evidence is indeed indisputable, why wouldn't you want it to be accessible to as many people as possible? 

If "the truth is out there", then every American has the right to see it.  Hopefully, that is something that we both agree upon.  

My concerns having been explained, I strongly urge Mr. D'Souza to make "2000 Mules" available to everyone.  That is, unless he's just trying to make a buck or two.   


1. “2000 Mules.” 2000 Mules, Accessed 8 May 2022.

2. D’Souza, Dinesh. “2000 Mules.” Locals, Accessed 8 May 2022.

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