Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Mixed Emotions

For those of you that may have missed it, Fairfield has a new First Selectman. Democrat Bill Gerber was sworn into office last night, having defeated incumbent Republican Brenda Kupchick by just thirty-seven votes (1)

I suppose the Democrats are hailing this as a major victory, as well they should. To this, I find myself feeling quite conflicted. 

On the one hand, I am very sorry that I couldn't do anything to help the Republicans. I am acutely aware that my volunteer efforts could have swung some votes to their candidates' favor, and made a difference in that respect.

Nevertheless, on that subject, respect is what my inactivity was all about. 

Personally speaking, the climate that top party officials fostered this year was abundant with disrespect, as well as a general "we can't do anything" attitude. This made the donation of my time and efforts impossible; at least, that's the way I see it.

In any event, and at the risk of sounding "holier-than-thou", I think there's a valuable lesson to be learned from what has just occurred. It is this: sometimes, it's wise to consider the possible repercussions of one's actions or inactions.

Experience has taught me that everything you do comes back to you, whether for good or bad. It's karma; "you reap what you sow". If you treat people with disregard and disrespect, don't be surprised if they want nothing to do with you.

Now, I don't claim to be the world's wisest man; I'm not a guru or a sage. And I would've preferred not to be the teacher, so to speak, of this lesson. 

Notwithstanding this, life's nature is that on occasion, we all have to do things that we don't really want to do. I guess this was one of these non-preferable occasions.

That said, let me address another issue, prefacing it by saying that I apologize if my assessment is incorrect.

This is just an observation, but could it be that I'm getting a little behind-the-back trash talk from personal friends within the town Republicans? As of late, they have been giving me the silent treatment, or so it seems. I understand this, but being as respect is the name of the game, perhaps they should reconsider their attitude.

My final thoughts on this year's races are, again, filled with mixed emotions. 

Obviously, a changing of the guard has taken place in Fairfield. I can't believe I'm saying this, but I see this moment as a sort of refresh; a chance to hit the reset button. Perhaps the incoming administration will bring with it a new willingness for dialogue, and a show of mutual respect; that is my hope.

Yet, even with these hopeful feelings, I must quote David Byrne and the Talking Heads:

"...and you may say to yourself, 'my God, what have I done?" (2)


1. “In Photos: Gerber Sworn in as Fairfield First Selectman at Inauguration Ceremony.”, 28 Nov. 2023, Accessed 29 Nov. 2023.

2. Talking Heads, "Once In A Lifetime". Sire Records/Warner Music Group, 1980. Songwriters: D. Byrne, B. Eno, C. Frantz, J. Harrison, T. Weymouth.


  1. I agree with you that the Kupchick administration has been a disaster but I think you are over estimating your contribution to Fairfield politics. Didn't you run and get demolished?

    Republicans are cutthroat assholes. You shouldn't be surprised they have iced you.

    1. That's politics, I guess....two sides of the same coin, and a lot of egos to deal with, LOL.
