Sunday, January 10, 2021

Rights? What Rights? (for air)

What's this idea that we all have certain rights about? Seriously, we don't have any "God-given rights".  Rather, we have government-granted permissions.  

There is no right to free speech or free press, there is only permission to speak, and express ideas that the government approves of.  There is no right to free assembly, or free association.  There is no right to worship or not worship as you choose and believe, or to gather with others in such worship.  And you absolutely do not have the right to free and fair elections.  Those can be rigged as the government finds necessary.  

Let's be real; we all know Joe Biden did not legally win the presidency.  It doesn't matter, because he came up with the most votes, right? The thing that really matters is the opinion of those who count the votes.  If they say Biden has been elected, it must be so, for it could not be otherwise.  All who believe differently are said to be either lying, deluded, "racist", or stupid (thanks in part to the left's media partners).  

Even so, there still seems to be this lingering notion that our government's purpose is to protect our rights, and that it will stand up for those rights when they are threatened.  Uh, no....if you STILL think anyone in Washington cares about you, think again.  The only things that many of them care about is power, control, and their own self-interests.  One need only look as far as the last Joint Session to figure that out.  

That includes people like Senator Richard Blumenthal.  I could be standing on top of the tallest building in Hartford, waving a sign saying "I've got a question" and my phone number; he still wouldn't give me even the time of day.  And yes, this has been recently proven, to some extent.  

If they cared about the average citizen, they would have the spine to stand up and object to not just the election, but to ever-increasing attacks on our liberty.  If he cared, vice president Mike Pence would've used his lawful authority to not recognize fraudulent votes and procedures.  If they cared, they would realize that they govern by the consent of "we the people", and that we DID NOT CONSENT/DO NOT CONSENT to Joe Biden as president.  

And yes liberals, Donald Trump is indeed the president...for ten more days.  You can wait ten days for him to leave office; frankly, conservatives waited eight years for Obama to do the same.  

Anyways, I'm not done.  If they cared, our so-called "representatives" would understand that when they do not protect our rights, the people have a right and duty to rise up and say "NO" (this includes civil disobedience to unjust laws).  Wanton acts of violence aside, we have the right to say "I WILL NOT COMPLY".  When we the people are left with no other choice, this can and likely will happen.  That is the reality we have been driven to.  

The simple fact is that politicians in Washington do not understand this, nor do many of them care.  I've had it up to here with that attitude; it is straight out of "Nineteen Eighty-Four" (the book, not the year).  "This is what you must believe; and we have ways of making you believe it"....forget that! 

I'm putting everyone who purports to represent us, whether in Hartford or in Washington, on notice.  For not just me, but many others as well, "the gloves are off".  If you think I was confrontational before, then as the song says, "you ain't seen nothin' yet".  I have, and will continue to, call out both acts of tyranny and those that commit them.  I will not stand by as the "American dream" becomes the "American nightmare" (as it has seemingly become already).... more "Mr. Nice Guy"! 


"Politicians are put there to give you the idea that you have freedom of choice.  You don' have no choice.  You have owners.  They own you.  They own everything...they own all the big media companies, so they control just about all of the news and information you get to hear.  They don't give a...about you.  They don't give a...about you! They don't care about all, at all, at all!" 

- George Carlin (1937-2008)

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