We hold these truths to be self-evident:
- All men and women are created equal, and they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights. Among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
- To secure these rights, governments are instituted among men and women that derive their powers from the consent of the governed.
- Whenever any government becomes destructive of the rights of its people, the people have the right to alter or abolish it, and to institute a new government that seems more likely to secure their rights.
Common sense argues that long-standing governments should not be changed because of trivial matters. Accordingly, all experience has shown that people are more likely to tolerate evil than to stand against it.
Nevertheless, when a long history of abuses and usurpations shows an intention to put the people under absolute control, it is the right and duty of the people to break with their government, and establish a new one for themselves. The people have been patient with their government, but now find themselves forced to take action.
The history of certain groups in the current government is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having the goal of establishing an absolute dictatorship. To prove this, let the facts be freely submitted.
- The groups have forbidden the passage of important state laws until their national leaders have given their approval.
- They have compelled meetings of state legislatures at unusual times, for the purpose of exhausting such legislatures and forcing submission to their proposals.
- They have established many government offices and positions that serve only to harass the people, and violate their rights.
- They have deprived the people of their rights to due process and confrontation of their accusers.
- They have, in many cases, violated the right of the people to take up arms for the defense of life and liberty.
- They have deprived individuals of the right to freely express themselves, and believe, as they please.
- They have declared and effected the people to be out of the protection of law enforcement personnel.
- They have restricted judicial powers to deliver only rulings that are favorable to the groups, else lose their positions.
- They have destroyed businesses, families, and lives.
- They have encouraged violence, civil disorder, and unrest among the people, ultimately jeopardizing life and limb.
- They are, at this time, actively attempting to take away the right of the people to choose their own representatives, and govern themselves.
Every time that these abuses have taken place, we have asked government officials to make things right. Our requests have been answered only by repeated injuries.
We have tried to talk to others about such abuses, warning them of the spread of tyranny. We have appealed to their sense of justice, and we have pleaded with them to refuse to accept the "party line". They have been deaf to the voice of justice, brotherhood, and common sense.
Therefore, we must separate from them, regarding them as enemies in conflict, and friends in peace.
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