Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Open Letter to Gov. John Kasich

August 18, 2020

Mr. Governor,

On Monday night, you made some interesting remarks as part of the 2020 Democratic National Convention.  Allow me to offer a response to your comments.  

Like you, I too am a lifelong Republican, having registered as such in 1997.  As a matter of fact, I both voted and enthusiastically volunteered for you during the 2016 GOP presidential primary for Connecticut.  Perhaps you remember making a stop in Fairfield, at Sacred Heart University.  

To continue, my late father was an independent Democrat.  More specifically, he was a man that worked for the betterment of the entire community (having served it in many ways during his life).  My father would be horrified to see the party he was a member of encouraging looting, violence, and destruction.  Sadly, this is exactly what the Democratic Party currently supports, all in an attempt to seize power "by any means necessary; the ballot, or the bullet" (Malcolm X)

Mr. Governor, you speak of "a real choice" that this country has.  In 2016, Americans made their choice, electing Donald Trump from a field of numerous contenders on both sides, including you.  As previously explained, I voted for you in the primaries, thinking that you were the best choice to lead this nation forward.  I now see that I was wrong in this assessment.  

With somewhat of an apology for my tone, I say that you have sold out to the liberal mob, a group that wants nothing more than to destroy everything that America stands for.  You have done this because you are bitter at having been defeated four years ago, and are being paid to do so (seriously, how much money did the Democrats give you for speaking at their convention? It's probably a lot more than I see in even a month).  It's not the most glamorous position in the world, but at least it pays the bills, right? 

Mr. Governor, do you really believe that Joe Biden is "reasonable", or even in his right mind? The man can't string two coherent sentences together, let alone govern wisely.  He and his cohorts would take away what remains of my constitutional freedoms as easily as "a kid in a candy store", so to speak.  Yet, you have endorsed the Democrats, and will most likely campaign for them.  

Sir, I respect you, but am greatly disappointed in the choice that you have, apparently, made.  As the late journalist Andrew Breitbart once observed, "there are two paths.  One is America, the other is socialism.  If you're unwilling (to support this candidate), more than shame on you, you're on the other side".  Take from that what you will.  


Mr. Matt Boland
Fairfield, CT

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